Are you ready to Get Ahead in your Apprenticeship?

Newly-recruited apprentices, this is for you!

Welcome to the homepage of the highly anticipated ‘Get Ahead’ series, launched this September 2023! This comprehensive multimedia series is designed to provide newly recruited apprentices with the tools they need to excel in their new roles. Packed with valuable resources like PDF guides for both apprentices and their line managers, as well as a range of engaging events such as masterclasses and focused discussions on topics like neurodiversity, this unmissable series guarantees to maximise the benefits of your apprenticeship journey.

Access your Get Ahead guides here:

For Apprentices:

For Apprentice Managers

2023 Virtual Masterclass 9 – Preparing Yourself Mentally (On Teams)

In this 90 minute mental health and well-being themed masterclass, for new starters, led by Chartered Sport and Exercise Psychologist, Dr Josephine Perry Director of Performance in Mind, you will learn:

Skills and strategies to handle being in a new role or taking on a new responsibility. 

How to identify your fears and worries, design healthy coping mechanisms, handle ambiguity and understand the difference between requirements and self-expectations.

How to manage tricky conversations and look at ways to maintain your wellbeing so you can thrive throughout this period.

Register Now!

We are excited to invite all apprentices and individuals working with apprentices to join our upcoming webinar on discovering the Disabled Apprentice Network (DAN). This 30-minute virtual session aims to provide valuable information about DAN, its benefits, and how it can support apprentices in their journey. Whether you are an apprentice or someone working with apprentices, this webinar is designed to empower you with practical guidance and resources to create an inclusive and supportive environment.

You will hear from Rabia Lemahieu, Disability and Skills Manager, plus apprentices and AoA DAN Group Champions Luke Nadin and Victoria Smith-Payne, and learn how you can access the dedicated Group on AoA Connect for The Disabled Apprentice Network

About DAN.

The Disabled Apprentices Network (DAN) examines the barriers that some Disabled young people might face, what makes apprenticeships successful and what employers, training providers and educators can do to provide the necessary support.

Get the event presentation slides

As part of our #GetAhead series all new, current and completed apprentices are invited to join this 45 minute bite-size awareness workshop, to gain an introductory understanding of neurodiversity, along with advice on how to access support.

The workshop is ideal for anyone who wishes to expand their knowledge and skills around neurodiversity. Attendees will gain an understanding of:

  • What neurodiversity means.
  • What the main impacts of neurodiversity are.
  • The importance of embracing and supporting neurodiversity.
  • How to access support.

Support Connect background information.

Our mission at Support Connect is to connect people with disabilities and additional learning needs to the support that they need so that they can achieve their full potential.

Register today.

As part of our #GetAhead series all new, current and completed apprentices are invited to join this 30-minute virtual webinar to obtain valuable advice and strategies, that will significantly enhance your experience on your apprenticeship journey.

Discover what AoA has to offer you plus much more.

We will hear from our very own AoA Apprentice Council members Ben LawtonEmma Nolan  Tara BlundellRobert Rowe and Hope Nolan.  Who better to offer you advice than these experienced apprentices!

You will be able to ask questions during the event or if you would prefer you can email prior to the event.

Register today.

Get Ahead 2022 Archive:

Get the PDF here:

Watch the event now:

Your Questions Answered:
Audio from Apprentice Council members, Jasmine King and Ben Lawton

Jan Richardson-Wilde

CEO, Occupational Awards Limited

Jan is the CEO of Occupational Awards Limited, a Director of the National Skills Academy for Food and Drink and an FE College Governor. She has over 35 years’ experience in the education sector in strategic and operational management of training programmes with colleges, private training providers, local authorities the voluntary sector and not for profit organisations. Jan has previously been a board member of the Learning and Skills Council, chair of the North Yorkshire Training Provider network and Vice-Chair of Yorkshire Coast College and a Governor of the Grimsby Institute for Further and Higher Education. She has extensive experience of education policy, apprenticeships, qualification, and curriculum development as well as business improvement.

Jan joined OAL in 2019, a leading non-profit industry-focused Awarding and End-Point Assessment Organisation, supporting a wide range of employers and of key stakeholders to succeed and surpass expectations. Jan is committed to continuous improvement and enthusiastic about improving the effectiveness, impact and quality of apprenticeships, education, and training in the UK and internationally. She has a wide range of experience of working in a collaborative context with employers and training providers to develop End Point Assessment, apprenticeships, and a wide range of vocational programmes.

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