The Results: Pre-Election Survey 2024


Front cover of social media post with highlights of the resultsThe Association of Apprentices is proud to announce the release of the pre-election survey results, ‘The BIG Ask’, where we have delved deep into the priorities and expectations of apprentices. The survey provides a unique understanding of the perspectives of apprentices, shedding light on crucial aspects that shape the future of the workforce. 

Unveiling the Survey Findings
The Association of Apprentices has meticulously analysed the ‘The BIG Ask’ survey, which goes beyond the surface to reveal the intricate details of the priorities and expectations of apprentices. With the survey findings, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, aspirations, and needs of apprentices in today’s dynamic work environment.

Key Highlights

  • The survey delves into the nuances of apprentices’ perspectives, offering valuable insights into their expectations and priorities.
  • The findings are crucial in understanding the evolving landscape of apprenticeships and the future workforce, addressing the specific needs of apprentices.

Looking Ahead
As we unveil ‘The BIG Ask’ survey results, the Association of Apprentices remains committed to providing in-depth insights into the apprentices’ perspectives. Stay tuned for further analysis and exploration of the detailed survey findings, as we unfold the layers of apprenticeship priorities and expectations. Join the conversation and see the highlights here: LinkedIn 

We invite apprentices, employers, training providers, EPAOs, and all stakeholders to join the conversation as we explore the implications of the survey findings and work towards shaping a future workforce that aligns with the needs and aspirations of apprentices.

Follow us on social media for the latest updates, discussions, and in-depth insights into the apprentices’ perspectives. 

Jan Richardson-Wilde

CEO, Occupational Awards Limited

Jan is the CEO of Occupational Awards Limited, a Director of the National Skills Academy for Food and Drink and an FE College Governor. She has over 35 years’ experience in the education sector in strategic and operational management of training programmes with colleges, private training providers, local authorities the voluntary sector and not for profit organisations. Jan has previously been a board member of the Learning and Skills Council, chair of the North Yorkshire Training Provider network and Vice-Chair of Yorkshire Coast College and a Governor of the Grimsby Institute for Further and Higher Education. She has extensive experience of education policy, apprenticeships, qualification, and curriculum development as well as business improvement.

Jan joined OAL in 2019, a leading non-profit industry-focused Awarding and End-Point Assessment Organisation, supporting a wide range of employers and of key stakeholders to succeed and surpass expectations. Jan is committed to continuous improvement and enthusiastic about improving the effectiveness, impact and quality of apprenticeships, education, and training in the UK and internationally. She has a wide range of experience of working in a collaborative context with employers and training providers to develop End Point Assessment, apprenticeships, and a wide range of vocational programmes.

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