Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 - Unmissable Events


Mental Health Awareness WeekIn the month of May, we are thrilled to host a series of events as part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2024. These events are designed to promote mental well-being and provide valuable insights into managing mental health in the workplace. Here are the three events we are hosting:

How to get more done whilst being kinder to yourself

1. Masterclass: How to get more done whilst being kinder to yourself Led by Micha Reynolds – This masterclass aims to help individuals achieve productivity while prioritising self-care, providing practical strategies to strike a healthy balance between work and well-being. This is now available on AoA On Demand to stream at your convenience.

2. Masterclass: Striking a Balance Led by Josephine Perry – This masterclass focuses on achieving a harmonious balance between work and personal life, offering techniques to manage stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Taking place today! If you have missed it, make sure you keep an eye on AoA On Demand as it will soon be available to stream. 

3. Masterclass: Beat the Burnout (plus free e-book) Led by Colin Minto – This masterclass delves into strategies for preventing and overcoming burnout, offering valuable insights and a free e-book to support individuals in managing workplace stress effectively. Register here for the event on 17th May.

These events aim to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools to prioritise their mental health, fostering a culture of well-being and resilience.

Join us for these insightful masterclasses and take proactive steps towards nurturing mental well-being in the workplace during Mental Health Awareness Week 2024.


Striking a balance

Jan Richardson-Wilde

CEO, Occupational Awards Limited

Jan is the CEO of Occupational Awards Limited, a Director of the National Skills Academy for Food and Drink and an FE College Governor. She has over 35 years’ experience in the education sector in strategic and operational management of training programmes with colleges, private training providers, local authorities the voluntary sector and not for profit organisations. Jan has previously been a board member of the Learning and Skills Council, chair of the North Yorkshire Training Provider network and Vice-Chair of Yorkshire Coast College and a Governor of the Grimsby Institute for Further and Higher Education. She has extensive experience of education policy, apprenticeships, qualification, and curriculum development as well as business improvement.

Jan joined OAL in 2019, a leading non-profit industry-focused Awarding and End-Point Assessment Organisation, supporting a wide range of employers and of key stakeholders to succeed and surpass expectations. Jan is committed to continuous improvement and enthusiastic about improving the effectiveness, impact and quality of apprenticeships, education, and training in the UK and internationally. She has a wide range of experience of working in a collaborative context with employers and training providers to develop End Point Assessment, apprenticeships, and a wide range of vocational programmes.

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